This week in the Children's English Hour we spent time exploring feelings: happy, sad, and angry. We practiced the song "If You're Happy and You Know It!" with super silly motions - not just clapping your hands! When we sang about being sad we had to pat our heads, and if we were angry we stomped our feet. The kids made up other motions we could do if we were feeling a certain way, so we came up with some great (and sometimes silly) vocabulary! Our story time book for this week was Augustus and His Smile by Catherine Rayner, a lovely book about a rambunctious, curious tiger who searched far and wide for his own missing smile. Because feelings are strongly associated with emotions, the kids were able to paint their own colorful portraits of Augustus the tiger with watercolors!
Vocabulary: happy, sad, angry, smile, frown, watercolors, all the colors of the rainbow, paint brush, cup of water, tiger, clap your hands, stomp your feet, pat your head, jazz, piano