Eric Carle's Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See is one of my favorite books to read with children. It's all about animals and colors, and a few strangely colored animals! Have you ever seen a blue horse? Or a purple cat? No? It's easy - just use your imagination!
We sang Bubble Pop! which is an interactive song all about sea creatures, as well as the Energy Song and Open, Shut Them.
I know everyone has seen a goldfish, so we made some out of bright orange red and yellow handprints!
As always, the children were encouraged to write their names on their artwork, or at least their first initial!
The results were wonderful!
We finished up with our counting march with rhythmic instruments and a goldfish stamp:
"What is it?"
"It's a goldfish."
"What color is it?"
"It's orange. It's an orange goldfish."
"May I have another one please?"
"Yes, you may!"
This week's vocabulary: bear, goldfish, cat, horse, wolf, sheep, children, teacher, jellyfish, octopus, fish, whale, crab, dolphin, blue, yellow, red, green, purple, orange, march, loud, quiet, numbers one to twenty, tambourine, wash board, cymbals, block, bells, float, roll, swim, snap, jump and wiggle!
Musical Accompaniment: Claude Bolling's Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano
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