Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Young Masters Studio - Miró

A recent trip to Barcelona inspired me to rediscover Joan Miró with my Young Masters Studio class. After pondering Miró's spacey symbolism and cosmic composition, we delved into the Catalan master's dreamworld ourselves. In part one of a double-lesson, we spent time exploring color theory, deconstructing symbols, drawing these symbols with our eyes closed, balancing elements in a composition, and trying to understand Mirós mind by painting our own Miró masterpieces. Musical accompaniment: the surrealist musings of Mirò contemporary Eric Satie. What I enjoyed the most? Observing the children's uninhibited acceptance of Miró and their delight in recreating his paintings themselves. And don't forget - we do this all in English! Next time, we'll create our own compositions, based on elements our own recurring dreams and subconscious.

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